10 Simple Ways to Clean Hearing Aids


Listening is an essential function for humans. With the advanced technology, hearing aids have been of great help for those who have hearing issues due to many reasons.

The important aspect of hearing aids is that they can be helpful for many years with proper and regular care. Since this is an indispensable part that is put in the ears, one has to know the basic precautions and tips to take care of the hearing aids comprise 3 essentials.

  1. Hearing aids are sensitive devices; while cleaning them, one must keep a soft light-colored cloth. It would be best if you never missed the cloth when inserting it in the ear, removing it, or cleaning it. The hearing aid and its parts are small, so the chances of damage are significantly less when it is in a cloth.
  2. Ensure that the ear is always dry before putting the hearing device. This cannot be used for a shower, swimming, or sauna.
  3. The hearing aid should be removed while undergoing any detailed medical check-up in a hospital. 

Expert audiologists also suggest advanced cleaning tips so that hearing aids protect the device from any scratches.

  1. These are expensive and need special care, so the palms should always be dry and clean whenever the device is touched. Any micro dust particles might harm the functionality to a great extent. It is that sensitive.
  2. The hearing aid’s battery life depends on proper use and maintenance. The batteries are meant explicitly for specific ears, and with indicators, one can always be assured of the correct battery for the right ear.
  3. Just like the habit of proper dental care comes naturally, the care for the hearing aid should be made a daily habit and done systematically for a lifetime.
  4. In haste, never use easy ways to dry the blow dryer. They come with special drying boxes or air blowers that can be used to dry and store safely overnight. The battery should be removed, and the battery compartment to be left open. 
  5. A soft, damp cloth can gently wipe out visible dirt or dust daily. Daily care will prevent soil accumulation, which will help a person hear all the time.
  6. The use of chemical solvent solutions or alcohol is a strict no because the device is small and the parts are so tiny that any chemical can permanently harm the electronic parts. This can further be dangerous for the ears too.
  7. The cleaning kit is specially designed by the makers keeping all the safety manuals in mind. One should never use sharp objects such as needles or scissors.

The tips suggested above are easy to follow. When put into daily practice, the hearing aids can last longer, and one can hear with much clarity. 

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