Invisible hearing aids- advantages and disadvantages

Hearing aids have come a long way in size, shape, and functionality. There are even invisible hearing aids that are invisible to the eyes. Though miniature in nature, they offer a high-quality hearing experience. Let’s understand what invisible hearing aids are. They sit inside your ear and are almost invisible to the eyes. Due to advanced technology, it has become possible to have such tiny devices. These invisible hearing aids are fitted into the ear canal and have no tubes and wires on the outside. There are invisible hearing aids for almost every type of hearing issue. You can choose an invisible hearing aid based on your hearing aid expert’s recommendation, from severe to moderate hearing loss to mild hearing loss. It also depends on the level of your hearing loss, cosmetic preferences, ear canal shape, and streaming needs. 

These days, the size of the modern hearing aids has reduced so much that some behind-the-ear hearing aid models are also invisible.

Like other hearing aids, invisible hearing aids have three parts: a microphone, an amplifier, and a speaker. The sounds are received through the hearing aid’s microphone, and the sound waves are converted to electrical signals before being sent to the amplifier. An amplifier increases the power of these signals and is sent into the ear through the hearing aid’s speaker.

Now let’s see the advantages of an invisible hearing aid. 

They can’t be seen with the naked eye People opt for invisible hearing aids as they are not visible to the outside and hence add to the cosmetic appeal.

As good as normal hearing

Invisible hearing aids promote natural hearing. As they fit deep into the ear canal, there is a significant reduction in the sensation of hearing their voice louder than it is. Since it is deep within the ear canal, it offers a realistic sound environment.

Using a phone is not a problem

Using phones with invisible hearing aids is very easy as the hearing aid is deep in the ear canal.

Useful for a wide range of hearing issues

Though small, invisible hearing aids can treat a wide range of hearing loss. Invisible hearing aids are used in the treatment of mild to moderately severe hearing loss.

Easy to wear

Invisible hearing aids come in handy for people who wear protective headgear. As they do not stick out, it’s easy for them to wear helmets without getting entangled in the wires and tubes.


Dexterity challenges

The size can be a disadvantage as it needs good manual dexterity to insert and remove the hearing aids. Similarly, battery changes can be complex due to the small size.

It cannot be used in severe hearing loss

Invisible hearing aids cannot be used to treat severe hearing loss. The small size and the battery do not have the power to manage severe hearing loss.

Customization needed

Everyone’s ear canal is unique and not one size fits all cannot be the case. Hence the invisible hearing aids should be custom-made to fit the user’s ear canal.  

Though tiny and invisible, the invisible hearing aids aren’t particularly costly as any other hearing aids. Price varies between individual models.

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