Reasons for air pressure in your ear and solutions

All sense organs in the human body need a lot of care. When it comes to the ‘ear,’ you always get extra cautious. At times you might have sensed some kind of pressure inside your ear, which might at times be mild or even severe. When the irritation caused is high, then the ability to hear will be affected to a great extent. You might feel dizzy, or the sensation may seem as though your eardrum is ringing a pattern of hollowness. This strange pressure is common, and you need to know for yourself more about this feeling. 

The pressure inside the ear is primarily caused by the fluctuation in the air pressure. This is most obvious during flight journeys. You would have experienced an unbalanced pressure in the ear whenever the plane is about to take off or land and even during the airplane journey. The pressure outside and inside your ear canals is not in sync because of the sudden rise or fall in the air pressure during motion. The eardrum will move inwards and outwards, trying to match the pressure outside, and thus, there is discomfort. The other instance when you might feel the pressure at different frequencies is when in a shower or a pool. 

The medical condition that audiologists refer to is that your ear will sense a ‘feeling of fullness’ together accompanied by dizziness and a strange ringing sound. The reasons may be different from the ones mentioned above. At times the pressure in the ear could be because of an early sign of infection that would need immediate medical attention. Many times, the medications are mild and would help relieve this feeling. But persistent pressure, when left unattended, can cause hearing loss.

The best treatment for the prevention of the pressure inside your ear is by becoming aware of this and also the exact instances or scenarios. Not everyone who travels by flight would be affected to a great extent because of the change in pressure, unlike you. However, you can take preventive measures while traveling or reduce the frequency of such travel to your professional requirement. Earplugs or cotton are given to passengers who experience uneasiness during changes in air pressure. Try to drink water as this helps to balance the pressure of air that travels within the ear canal.

It is also recommended to chew gum or have candy or try yawning often while traveling in an airplane. In this way, you can keep the air pressure somewhat balanced, even when there is an irregular movement of air because of the turbulence outside. These are tried and tested tips used by people who face this discomfort around the ear.  

In case you feel uneasy because of air pressure irregularities, it is best to fix an appointment with an audiologist at the ENT center. It is better to consult with a specialist and get immediate medical care than wait for the condition to worsen.

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