Smoking and Its Severe Impact on Hearing Health

‘Smoking is injurious to health.’ This is a common statement issued in the public interest to warn people of the dangerous health hazards involved when addicted to the habit of smoking. Everybody knows it affects all the body’s vital organs, such as the lungs. Research says that smoking also has a grave influence on the ears. 

The habit of smoking in itself is a path to deteriorate one’s health, and the repercussions can affect daily life because of loss of hearing.

This might call for validation and medical reasons to make people aware that smoking affects the doer and the people around, be it at home or the workplace. The cigarettes are like live wire that is inserted directly inside the body. Imagine the intensity of damage caused to the nervous system the very existence.

  1. The free radicals present in most cigarettes are high in chemicals and can directly bring more harm to the DNA structure. The X-Ray or scan reports of chain smokers clearly show a change in the DNA, which is quite alarming.
  2. The inner ear has sense organs, and proper blood circulation is necessary. Any blockage can restrict the flow of blood supply in the blood vessels. Excess smoking reduces the oxygen level in the blood, and the blood vessels tend to shrink. The insufficient supply to sensitive and prime areas in the ear will hinder its overall functionality.
  3. One of the reasons for tinnitus is that it is associated with smoking, which reduces the ability to hear. Ear infections are common among smokers and even passive smokers because the immune system is affected.
  4. The neurological disorder is also evident because the smoke-laden harmful contents block the entire process involving auditory neurotransmission to the auditory nerve. It is essential to treat the ears with seriousness.
  5. It is not only the smokers who suffer. Infants or children in frequent contact with them, most obviously, in the family, can also develop ear infections frequently. This can lead to more severe health issues if in case the impact of the smoke enters their sensitive vital organs. 
  6. The level of anxiety is always high in the case of people who frequently smoke; in short, they have no control over their minds and reflex actions in the body. The negative impact of strain on the ears internally and externally does more harm than one can imagine.
  7. Little do the smokers know that their ear is at high stake as this white roll of momentary pleasure can irritate the middle ear lining and Eustachian tube as well. Hearing disability permanently affects an individual’s daily activity because a dormant volcano finds a place within the body with every smoke.

These insights are based on facts to spread the awareness that smoking can affect the ear in the most harmful way.

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